Final phase – Redirect

We’ve finally transferred everything to the new channel, our last step is making sure everyone finds our new home.

If anyone now attempts to join the old channel, they will be redirected to the new channel automatically, and be given the following message “You may not join this channel, so you are automatically being transferred to the redirect channel.

As always, if you have any ideas or new features you’d like to see implemented, please let us know. We’ll soon be setting up a page with all the requested features we’ve had so far so we’ll be able to keep track of them a bit easier.

A couple of people have been rather hostile to me through this change, however these few anomalies are the exception rather than the rule. Remember, even if you have an opposing view to someone, please always remember to be civil. If we can’t meet on the mutual plane of discussion about a subject please stop talking about it.

Speaking of rules, we will be adding a command to view the rules in channel. For now you can use !view rules to see them while we add this functionality.

Love jcx[D] and the ForcedWomen Staff.

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