We have a few rules to protect our community. These rules are in addition to Cuff-Link’s Terms Of Service (which form part of our channel rules)


1. [Unsolicited PMing] Don’t PM channel users without asking in channel first. If you haven’t been given consent already, please ask.

2. [Gender Respect] Respect people’s chosen pronouns and genders, and do not use archaic/offensive language around people’s gender identity (including terms best relegated to the past, especially those associated with pornography, specifically offensive terms toward trans and intersex people.)

3. [Reporting] Do not announce any unsolicited PMs. If you need to report it, please /msg an op. Please see the guidance for reporting issues at the end.

4. [Consent] Do not assume consent has been given by a user. If you are unsure – ask.

5. [Civil] Try to keep ‘opinionated topics’ civil.

6. [Link Spam] Don’t spam links, especially if not part of a conversation. This includes pasting random links without any descriptions of what they are.

7. [Sockpuppet] Changing of nicks to be deceiving or dishonest is not allowed. We do not tolerate sockpuppets here. You will be banned if suspected of doing this, especially when you do this to ban evade.

8. [Persistent Drive-by] Persistent drive-bys are not tolerated (over and above the automatic ones) and will result in a ban.

9. [Idling] If you are idle in #ForcedWomen for longer than 48 hours, you’ll be banned for an hour. Feel free to come back when you have something to say 🙂 If you’re in the profile channel longer than an hour, you’ll automatically be removed.

10. [ASL] ASL (or Age, Sex and Location) is a useless question here.

11. [Age-Related Restricted Topics] We have a wide and accepting community of people with various kinks and lifestyle preferences, however topics that include abdl, ddlg, diapers or any suggestions of age play or being underage is not permitted. This is against our channel rules, and is also against Cuff-Link’s own terms of service. There are other channels available that are more appropriate. If you continue after being asked not to, you will be banned from channel and we will pass on information to the appropriate network operators.

Reporting Issues

When reporting issues (such as unsolicited PMs) please provide us with a copy of a complete logfile (uploaded somewhere, for example pastecry.pt) or screenshots (ONLY if you can’t provide a logfile). The log needs to contain (at minimum) date/time, nick, ident and hostmask (For example: Nick!Ident@Hostmask). If a user is in another common channel to you, we need to be made aware of this.